I have used an iPhone for going on two years and I don't see that changing for quite awhile, but I was always leery of the iPad because I always thought it was just a big iPod Touch, with a better screen. Well I started to look for a tablet about 5 months ago, and thought for sure, after the big uproar about the iPad 2, that I would have one soon. Well after trying in store several times, I just wasnt blown away. It just took my iPhone bigger, it didnt introduce anything new, it didn't change anything, the UI, had some slight modifications, and apps did look better on a bigger screen, but it wasn't nothing that blew away. Then came the touchpad.
First I saw the commercial, then I found out about the open source movement inside of WebOS, and how unlike Apple, there was no cat and mouse games, Palm didn't support it, but didn't block it. I saw the UI, it was much appealing than Android, which to me looks chaotic and not the clean simplicity that we all come to expect from a google product. Although it wasn't as "nice" looking as iOS, and it didn't run as smooth as it, WebOS made up for it with true multitasking, and a clean enough looking UI to make an iOS lover happy.
Then came the specs, full web access, web developers no longer need to build a site just for the device, the device can handle anything you through at it. It has been an experience for me, who has had to manage which sites I could view on my portable device and which ones I *had* to view on my pc, now my touchpad takes care of all of it.
But enough about the pros, because there is some cons. Apps are limited compared to iOS (Not a huge con for me, give me a working Twitter client, an email client, and a couple games, and I'm happy, but I'm not everyone). The OS, has some flaws, which may be more to me learning to using the device than anything else, but the flaws are there. It seems sluggish from time to time, but an OTA update coming out soon should fix that. And it does need some improvement when it comes to handling documents, this maybe more of a personal presence but I feel any tablet should be able to handle any microsoft doc you throw at it.
All in all, I love my touchpad, and see me using it more than my iPhone for most things. The flaws are there, but are very fixable, and I have faith in HP to fix them soon.
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First I saw the commercial, then I found out about the open source movement inside of WebOS, and how unlike Apple, there was no cat and mouse games, Palm didn't support it, but didn't block it. I saw the UI, it was much appealing than Android, which to me looks chaotic and not the clean simplicity that we all come to expect from a google product. Although it wasn't as "nice" looking as iOS, and it didn't run as smooth as it, WebOS made up for it with true multitasking, and a clean enough looking UI to make an iOS lover happy.
Then came the specs, full web access, web developers no longer need to build a site just for the device, the device can handle anything you through at it. It has been an experience for me, who has had to manage which sites I could view on my portable device and which ones I *had* to view on my pc, now my touchpad takes care of all of it.
But enough about the pros, because there is some cons. Apps are limited compared to iOS (Not a huge con for me, give me a working Twitter client, an email client, and a couple games, and I'm happy, but I'm not everyone). The OS, has some flaws, which may be more to me learning to using the device than anything else, but the flaws are there. It seems sluggish from time to time, but an OTA update coming out soon should fix that. And it does need some improvement when it comes to handling documents, this maybe more of a personal presence but I feel any tablet should be able to handle any microsoft doc you throw at it.
All in all, I love my touchpad, and see me using it more than my iPhone for most things. The flaws are there, but are very fixable, and I have faith in HP to fix them soon.
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